Page 14 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 14

  .. t_-orovatte    Be aware of
before you dig in Texas. in Hour
A Everyhmel rlei hborhood
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-v-  — vvorkslte
Many pipeline companies regularly inspect their rights—oi—way
using air, ioot or vehicle patrols. These trained inspectors look
  V _. __‘_ _ . , A ,_ A y _ _ _ U _ _ ior potential danger to pipelines such as construction activity
-' T l' - - v’ " "‘ * ' ‘l ‘- " : T T «‘ ‘ T or signs oi gas or liquid leaks. These inspections along their
 ' _, ' ‘T ‘ "fig. pipeline routes are to ensure the security and integrity oitheir
Pipeline companies keep in touch on a regular hasis with
emergency officials and work with local emergency responders
   along pipeline rights—oi—way in case of an emergency sometimes
even training with are departments or hazardous materials
units. Even though a leak or spill is exlremely unlikely, pipeline
_ companies provide iniormation like that which you will find
 .  on the iollowing pages that will prepare you in the event that
x" ~ ' _‘ r it does occur. Their hope is to continue to he a quiet neighhor
. .' ' l . ‘ and provide you with this imponant information to help ii you
‘~ ,. ! - » suspect a prohlem in your area. ripeline companies take the
,_. V ‘ i I‘ saie operation oi their inirastructure seriously, which includes
‘ . ‘ . l .. protecting your iamily. your property and the environment.
 _ r ‘ Because oi Ihis diligence, incidents are very rare.
Z ‘ ‘ , - - For your saiety. pipelines are marked hy ahove ground signs to
- r ‘ . J _ provide an indication oi their presence, approximate location.
. - \ material carried and the name and contact iniormation of the
company that operates the pipeline. Markers may be anywhere
along the right—oi—way (a strip of land usually ahout 25 to .so
. ieet wide that contains a pipeline] or directly over the pipeline
_ Before lldl, 'l(T)i k g llyyll blk d d‘
itse . ese mar ers are enera e ow ac an re In
KNOW me has color. The pipeline may not iollow a straight course hetween
- markers. while markers are helpiul in locating pipelines. they
n--Id’-Illlll do not provide infcirmalinn such as how many pipelines are
93'1"‘!-‘I W W“ “""' ""‘ “W W‘ W" helow or the depth oi the lines. The primary iunction oi these
1l‘rV:rrvir¢ it/reed ran to W W W M V” ‘°'’'‘'’'‘"' "9" markers is to identiiy the location of the pipeline generally
“" """”""'-" ‘ """' P"""‘ "W" """“““ as an alen to those who might he wnrking along the pipeline
""""""‘“ ""' V“ ‘""“ corridor ior another utility or during the construction oi homes
pram In ntxaaiz II‘ mm in . . .
or lmsmesses nearhy. You should he aware oi any ptpelme
;‘."‘;‘::"‘ """"‘ "““"""‘ markers in your neighborhood. As the saying goes, “Know
"“‘ your neighbors." write down the name and phone numbers
appearing on the pipeline markers in case of emergency.
pipeline markers are important ior the saiety of the general
. puhlic. it is a iederal crime ior any person to williully deiace.
Z !\’.'!}.‘.='I§..L.!:!3."! damage.  Dr destroy any pipeline signs or rigllbnfrway
e... .«1'vNar-!Iv«- marker.
12 . reotan 2020, Issue 1

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