Page 9 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 3
P. 9
lie Daiiiage Preveniidn ydii ai-e ilie iiiiliiy dperaidi/ldeaidr, ydii |gg7, ilie cdiiiindn Grdiind Alliance
cdiiniil di Texas iorci, ivdiild have plididgi-apliie evidenee ii (cam Besi Praeiiees manual. and
mission is “Io facilitale Ihe excavalor destroys Ihe markings in Ills Railroad Commission of Texas
iindergi-dnnd iiiiliiy & pipeline an aiieinpi id elaiin iliai iiiey wereni ai ciiapier is pipeline damage preveniidn
damage preveniidn, prdmdie ldesi iaiili. A wliiie lined Work area aunws i-nles, lias evdlved inid an eiipeeiaiidn
praeiiees, and ednii-ilniie idivard pllbiit idi- a quick and eiliiieni sei di damage di prdiessidnal eiieavaidi-s wdrliing
saieiy and envii-dnmenial pI‘DlEE(iOn invesiigaiidn piidids id reiei- id iviien anyivliere in ilie siaie di-reiias. ii
ilirdiigl. slakeholder Educalinn and assessing Eallsal iaeidrs and pdieniial ydn ai-e a iniinieipal dperaidr, ydn
edniiiiiinieaiidns‘ cdmpi-ised di liability. liave ilie lddneiii di eiiy gdveniiiieni
vdlniiieiershirdin_aerdss ilie indiisiry, one Challenge with mdmm] Wsm impleindniiiig iliis liesipraeiiee and
iegidna E apieisiegiilarly meei id . . . . ieniiiring any Extavalfll applying idi an
. . _ . _ ivliiie lining |nVcIl\/ZS eiieavaidi-swlid are . _ . . . ._
diseiiss ways id impidve ilie sall lieidie . . . eiieavaiidn peimii id wliiid line ilieii
d. . _ d kg. physically \Inai1]E id wliiie line ilie area , . _ . d _ _ d
ydii ig pideess an iiia ii indie . . d M .1. prdieei pridi id rEq\IEsI|ng|In eigidiin
. .. pnorlorequeslxng iin ergrdnn aeiiiy .. . . .,
emeieni idr ExEaVz(DrS and iaeiliiy . iaeiliiy ldeaies. sdme iniinieipaliiies.
_ _ . . ldeaies. 1-liis sdiild lie a edniraeidr , . ,
dpeiaidis Exphtlliy idr ilie piirpdse di . . ineliiding iiie ciiy di Liililddeli, liavd
, . sending a erew irdm andilier regidn id . .
i-ediieing damages, enlianeing empldyee , . . , . gdne sd iar as id enaeia uly di-dinanee
, . . . ivdrliapridriiyidld wiiiidiii assessing _ . . . .
& piildlie saieiy, and ensiinng edniiniiiiy . iedniring iliai Exravztors ivliiie line
. , . iiie siie lieidreliand dr even a ivaiei- . ,
di iiiiliiy seiviee. , , . lieidi-e requesting ldeaies in an eiidn id
niiliiy dperaidr wiili an eiiiergeney leali Mm dam 25 to ‘hmwmm mm
Ai-eeeni analysis di ”Dig—Up" repdi-is liy repair in a reindie area in ilie middle _ . 3 . Y ’
. . . ACCCII ding id iiie cdinrndn (zrmlnd
-reiiassii damage pi-eveniidnsiaii lias diiiie niglii. rdi-iiidseseenarids. iliere 11, f . .
.d d 1 DP“ d H. , ., . . . A iance Damageln 0rlnalxcInKEpDr||ng
prdvi e iie dar D ireeidrs is virinal vvliiie lining idr eiieavaidrs ..
. . , .. . , Tddl(Dllm,ivaieriiiiliiy dperaidi-s
iviili sdme edinpelling daia. prdinpiing ivlid i-eniiesi iaiiliiy ldeaies dnline via (an SM 3“ Emma“ M” E mum
ns id develdp a 2020 iniiiaiive id iiirilier ilie Teiiassii Portal. Tlie rdnal ieaiiii-es ‘hm 33000 H dam G (D ‘fiam mains
dvaliiaie ilie lieneiiis and challenges id ameilidd idr aiiaeiiing mes iliai iiie . P ‘3 .
.. . . . . . . . , , and seiviee lines and an esiirnaied
wliiielining as ii applies id eniianied localor can review pndr id i-eaeliingilie M“ E D‘ mm than $5000 in mm
edininiinieaiidns ldeivveen eiieavaidr and idlisiie. simply find ydiii- wdi-ii area dn wamԤ~am mm and lower lzmals
lcicalor. wliiie lining is iiie iei-in nsed cddgle Earth and iise iiie marliing iddls . .
. . . . in ldsses liy preveniingiiie damage.
id describe ilie prdeess iliai eiieavaidrs id deiine ilie speeine siie aldng vviili Cmsider for Mr dam E (D W
iise id ideniiiy ilie parameiei-sdiilieir any speeial insiriieiidns id iiie ldsaidr. Y ‘3 Y
. . . , sysieiniliaiydii san pi-eveni. ydii ai-e
prdpdsed EX£aVa(IDn before rediiesiing save iiie aerial image as a .krn1. me and k . _. .
, . . . eeping ydiir ireaied ivaiei in iiie pipe
an iindergrdiind iaeiliiy lotale V|a ilie aiiaeii ii id ydni- iotale rediiesi and ilie ‘O mg aim D; 5312 as WE“ 35 mm,“
Sn notification sysiem. This typically ldeaidrivillliave all diilie inidiliaiiie 5 mmfim m ‘3
invdlves plaeemenidiwliiid paini, needs id ldeaieiiydiirei-ewisnidn—siie V ‘3 V‘
ilags dr painied siakes ideniiiyingilie liy ilie iiine lie an-ives. Fdr inidrinaiidn Td siimmai-ize. wliiie lining:
"I i 'fid"I'IrI iii-r SI"'ll: .i 3.. .
ffD"'“:i’;'“°'D§:*fi“:;a: E“ ’ °" ” 9"“ ‘ °‘ “ WWW ""35 “"5 ~ lznsni-es iliai wdi-lisiies are ldeaied
P P . P J. * V_ lislidiild lie ndied iliaiiindereiin-eni iviiii iinpidved eiiieieney and iiliiniaiely
elearly deiiningiiie eiieavaiidn aiea id . . . , . . .
, . -reiias siaie law: wliiie lining is ndi lieiier arturacy by eliminaiing
a lncalori iliey in iiini pi-ddiiie a liiglier . . . , .
1.1 m . ‘I 1 i-enniredidi-wdrliingardiind any giiesswdrii drinisinierpreiaiidn;
qua i y indree eien dea e. .. . _
iindergrdnndiaeiliiiesdilieiilian gas . R d ‘ ,5 . I d
wiili ilie ever inereasing aiiidnni and liazai-ddiis liquids. Here is an 11° “",’d‘?P"]“ °'(‘°5 d‘f5°"““
diivdrli ]DEaIcII‘s are (asked iviili eiieerpi ii-dm ilid Railroad cdniinissidn ‘V’ ;P'l";z‘ '"g.°‘“f:" l°‘;° _
edinpleiing eaeli day, ivliiie lining your di Teiias cliapier is pipeline damage P“; “‘ ""P“" “" 5 “° ° "““€*'
i-diiiine mainienanee and leak repair preveniidn riiles; 3“
prdieeis will ensiire ldeaidis iindivided TAG me .6 Pm ‘ chapter M (E) ~ iaeneiiis sysiein iniegiiiy. reliable
aiieniidn eiiaeily wliere ydii need iliein. . . delivery didrinliing waier and
. . . _ wlien an eiieavaiidn siie eanndi lde . . ‘ ,
iiliimaielv resiilimg in a rndie aeeiiraie . . . nliiinaiely i-aie payer saiisiaeiidn.
» . . elearly ideniindd and described dn ilie
locale.AnoIhersignlficanladvantage 1. I . k h h H . . . ,
is [ha in lhemm ‘hat auumyis 131:‘ dliaidiie‘ eii: Sreavaidr a iise in eldsing. ii ydii are reading iiiis
dmaggdy Wm fining “my improves w '1 e ini_ng d ma_i e eiieavaidn aiea ariiele ydii_are iiie iype dipersdn wlid
, . , _ pndr id giving ndiiee id ilie ndiiiiiaiidn slidiild lie invdlved In r‘eg‘lDnalDPC
ilieinvesiigaiivepideessoneeilie db‘ h 1 _. .
while “Md am is mama (M dgmd’ flenler an ‘V e dri: 1'2 ddafiidi: aiiives din di '];)E]xa§ Ciwipter medehngs. Fdi- wiry
by mg Imam both Pam“ Show hie EX;aVa idn sée. SpEEX e d gas an prdr ern vvii i gii anh |InVe|’g|’D1|InV
Phmog1_aP}_ ‘hewmksm to document azzr diis Xqlll s Ban |Iyprc|lEEl|0‘{1i}l‘ erelisasd ulldon.
ilieinarlied lines orl11E'Ai]C1eaI" iidvvevei-, wliiie lining is ednsidered “f""*]“ Pj“° ‘ "“§°i“"°'." 3“ f
ldeidi-eeiieavaiidn heg'ins.T1wis way, ii aneedssary “best prattice" and %*‘.‘““"1Vj *D““”“, °“*"°f‘; d
ilie line was eleared dr inisldeaied. ydii diipeiiaiidn dialldilieriaeiliiy ‘“‘%‘°““ ‘”‘P‘"‘"“‘‘"E‘‘‘‘'‘ '3 °““
iiave ddeiiineniaiidn id ensiire iliai yD|l dpei-aidi-s. -rliis besl pi-aeiiee, liased “>d‘”"fj"’P‘“{’““:{‘°’V- T” 5“ P1“?‘°’
aren't liilled di- nned as a i-esnli di ydnr dn iiie NationalTranspoz1ztion 3" V‘ ffi; _°“" lfmag“ P‘““;'‘‘‘;:“ k
ei-ew damagingiiielinecdnversely. ii saieiy Board (NTSE) saieiy siiidy di °““““ ° °““ ‘’ °‘’’‘‘‘°“ 3“ °°
at: iainiafiasiliddldsdm/iziesierdi/. .
202fl,!ssuE3 Tex:sE11~7