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Excavating Safely: Prioritizing Safety and Damage Reduction
Ketha Molina
Sr. Damage Prevention Manager Texas811
As stakeholders in the excavation industry, we recognize the importance
of safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulations. One critical step in ensuring all these aspects is often overlooked is calling 811 before digging. Whether you’re an excavator, business owner, pipeline operator, or utility owner, this simple action can prevent disasters, ensure smooth operations, and contribute to damage reduction efforts.
Compliance with Railroad Commission of Texas Laws
The Railroad Commission enforces strict regulations to safeguard and protect underground infrastructure in Texas. It’s not just a recommendation; it’s the law to call 811 before any excavation activity. Failure to do so can lead to hefty fines, project delays, and, most importantly, endanger lives.
The Call is Free and Easy
One of the most significant advantages of calling 811 is that it’s free and easy. This service connects you with local utility companies,
Obtaining a one-call ticket is now easier than ever.
ensuring you receive accurate information about buried lines and pipes on your property. Whether you choose to utilize the Texas811 portal or call 811 directly, this simple action can significantly prevent accidents and protect critical infrastructure. Don’t forget: Texas811 does not locate lines; we are the link between our members and excavators. Our members either have in-house locators or hire a 3rd party locating company.
Utilize the Texas811 Portal or Direct Call
Obtaining a one-call ticket is now easier than ever. You can use the
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2024, Issue 2

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