Page 19 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 19


High Consequence Areas in accordance wish . I
federal segalasians, same aseas neas pipelines have heen _
designased as lligh Consequence Aseas. For shese aseas. s 3 4. . . 
ssspplemensal hazard assesssnens and prevenlinn psagsams ’ ‘

known as lnsegsisy Managesnens Pmgrams have been developed. 7 -'

ll a pipeline apes-asas has l-ligh Consequente As-easy inlassnasian i -

alaans shese plans may he ayailalale shsaagh sheis sampanys ‘ ’

website as by eansassing she nperalofs saspasase amees.

These is a wide sange of psadness traveling shsaagh she I * »
shansands of miles al pipelines. zverylhing lsam gas las-

yans sas sa nxygen las haspisals. Many al shese psadness ean

he highly rlasnnialale. harmful if inhaled. eanse eye as skin “ -

in-isasian as passihly sanse dimenlsy in-eashing. sasne al she ‘-

masesials cnulrl sanse ensisansnensal damage. lseeaase al shese

pasensial hazards‘ is is impassans for ans neighbors sa he able sa

seeagnise a pipeline leak. , ,

Join us In

Can Owners Build or Dig on a Right-Of- our commitment to safety_
Wag? Pipeline sighss—al—way snuss he keps free lsasn

sssnessn-es and ashes nbslrutlions sa pi-aside acres: sa she .
pip21[Il9fi)I‘ mairllemzntey as well as in she event al an C b f y d g
esnesgensy. [fa pipeline es-asses your properly‘ please da nas e  0U I '
plans ssees as lasge shrubs an she sighs—al—way. Do nas dig.

buildy ssase as place anyshing an as neas she rig11(s—of—way p _

wishaas nsss having she pipeline sampanys pessannel mask she _ 
pipeline or stake the rightsmfway and explain the rmnpanys WWWpfa)@l[COm ssjssip nnnn
conslruclion and easemens requirements sa yan.

We Need Your Help The nalicufs infrastructures,

insluding pipelines, ase a masses al nasianal sesusisy. If yan

wisness snspisiaas atlivity an a pipeline 1'ighI—of—\a'a;/y please

sepass is sa she appsapsiase assshasisies as saan as possible‘ as

yan may eall she pipeline operator’: numbers. -rhseas advisories

may he laand as she Depansnens alliameland SecuriIy's websile Wm, "MINING ACADEW

National Pipeline Mapping System Fur ma

inlassnasian ahasss pipelines apesasing in ymlr as-ea. you i / -

may cnnlacl she Nasianal Pipeline Mapping syssem |Nl"MS).

This dasahase of pipeline apesasass and she laeasian al sheis

lines was designed for she pahlie sa have access sa eansaes

inlassnasian las pipeline eampanies apesasing in your ase. This

inlassnasian san lae found as wwll/.nyms.y]1nm1.daLgm/. visis 
wu/mphIn:rl.daI.gon/nbouI12/1:17:41/ojfces/1yfL'e—piy2Iln2—:afiIy las “MW _i W,

more infnrmatinn. For information on safe EXEEVEHDIL gn online ‘ o

and visit wu/u/.commorlgraunriaflianztcmn. . _ ‘I 9 E
Ana.-eness is she key sa preventing pipeline aeeidenss. You san "Z s. 3 5
eanssilnise sa she safety and sessssisy of yans neighhashaad by M ¢ ,
knowing where pipelines ase, and knowing how sa seeagniae Q1 ; 3
unauthorized aclivily as signs al a leaky as well as how sa

sespand in she case nf a pipeline assidens. Pipeline sampanies   
continue sa sssiye sa he gaad neighbors, and just like any gaad

neighhashaad viialch psagsasn, neighlaass laak ans las each‘ V 888_s8Z_8777

ashes. Jam In \Vll11I11E pipeline tompanles sa keep our lannlies . f I h

safa . In o@u asearc .com * WORKSMWH,

2020, ans 1 Tesassu . 17

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