Page 7 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 7

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he damage or-eyenllon Excavalcu" in a llye plpellne ruplure
tommunily last a lrne demonstration al the aolls Eagle Ford
thampion with lhe rerent Safety dr Equipment aodeo Roundup,
dealh ol Andy l-loe1,a a nationally retognized damage

man who saw everyone as his lnend prevenlion festival Ihat he helped

and was always willing Io oerer a lead over lhe next lhroe years. Andy

helping hand. words are not enough was promoted to one call snpervlsor

to desrrlhe the yold this greal man in 2018 and rzlocated Io lhe Houslnn

leaves hehlnd and ll anyone is the l-leadqnarlers where he oversaw all one

plsmre or “walk t1wz|alk,"Andy was call responsibilities for Plains’ assets

exactly that. om-journey with Andy nallonwlde. whlle this position was

hegan soon aller Plains All American exlremely demanding, Andy didn't lel

npellne prclmoled hlm lo lhe position it alleel his commitmenl lo Ihe Damage

ol Damage Prevention Specialist in rreyenuon connrll ol Texas where

January ZC||5s a posnlon ln eharge ol he dutifully semed on lhelr hoard of

all damage prevention dmles lor Iheir dlreelors up until Ilwe llme of his dealh

sonlhweslern Division assels covering on November 251 aolo The induslry

the rermlan and Delaware Basins. has losl a greal leader, friend, and mnsl

His passion was eyldenl when he imponantly, an awesome human being. 5]
performed as “Uncle Joe,I11e Agitated

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