Page 3 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 3

mm the desk as  
t the time el tliis lettei. Tenassn. like mnsl nl the rest nl
- tlie werld, is doing Du! best is. tespend Io tlie COVID19
pandemic in the mnsl appmpriate way pessilile and keep
nnr vital linsiness nperating. we recngnize that keeping the critical
__ infraslrurlure in our state sate and operational is mete important
than ever. My hepe is that liy the time tliis magazine makes it inlo
your liands that the world is on the etlier side of tliis crisis and we
are heginning the road tn rerovery. My sense is the impact this event
will liaye an ear ecencnny and our induslry will lie lelt ler same
time. we are taking steps tn ensure that we can cnntinue tn farililate
damage prevention and pmmole public safely dnring this sitnatien
and after it has passed. liete is wliat we want ynu in know:
- Our Sn number is lnlly lnnctienal. we are fully staffed. eperatienal
and ready Io precess your lecate requesls, As always. you can submit
your excavation nnlificalion nnline at hII}7.'//wllIIlI.TeXIIS3l1.I7Ig.
~ Please respect tlie marks. ll ynur werk area exlends beyond the eriginal area you requested In
have marked, please snlsmit anether lecate request.
~ If yen are alile, please white line‘ ynur werk area for tire lecaters. Net only dees it save time,
we have lieen mnducling internal research tliat shows marking your wnrk area in wliite can cnt
damages in hall.
~ out learn of Damage Preyentinn Managers ate efiering Dur wnr1d—c1ass training enline during
stay—al—11nm2 orders and quarantine situations.
we knew that many of nur memhers, the lecaters we werk with and the excavators we serve will
lie impacled hy covmig for many months tn crime. We want you tn knew that Texasxn is here
In lielp in any way we can.P1eas2Ieel free In reach ent Io me ditectly. l look forward ta werking
together to ensure we keep our cemmnnities safe and our utilities ptetected.
Thank yen.
Chris Stovall
Presldenl and CEO
‘mite lining ix the pmcess excm/aim: me 10 mark [I12 pelimzlzr oflhzil It/orltsile piiet to it being
Iomled, nsnclly wilh while pain! mflagx. It nllems Iomlorx 117 see the boundaries afthe u/otkxile
to zrlslnz they locale all qfthe necexmry nieik armz and. in seme sitmzliorls, shanzrlx [he time
teqntied on site by Ihz Iacatm.
2020, sseea Teussll . 1

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