Page 4 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 4
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4. GOVID - 19 PSA Gall Before You Clear
5 What Can White Lining Do for Vou?
GenterPoint Energy Emplogee Award
Recognizes Damage Prevention Leaders
8 Nightmare in Brenham, Texas
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RugeiC:L:xP!:hiis‘:eeU/Jfdi: M173 seryegeiet Editor The Advantage is Clear: White Lining
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" '”‘ “Q 5” ‘°C,,",“h‘;"j,fiT(:§‘;f;f;W" °“‘° 5'“ Saves Time and Time is Money!
m Euhsclibe go to wwwxws Biimagaziries com
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wiihouiwritien consent Ediimiai and edveitiaing mimmim con—
mined in ms publication are taken now sources considered to be 1 Fmm me dggk af cm]; smvan
reliable. mime puhiicaiion cannot gumamee their accuracy
Letters. comments and arlicies are encouraged. mm to:
masaii 7 Damage Prevention council of Texas Update
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Published Apiii zozo AH rights reserved
18 2020 Texasfiiii Damage Prevention Summit
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18 Why Iwear a seatbelt Behind the Wheel
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19 Flood coverage » What do Vou Mean I Don't Have It?
20 Jacobi Perspective