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 In October, at the Texas811 Damage Prevention Summit, the Damage Prevention Council of Texas announced its annual awards for Regional Champions.
Each Damage Prevention Manager selects regional champions in recognition for going above and beyond the regular call of duty for volunteers. These champions are dedicated to achieving the mission of the DPC of Texas, are actively involved in their respective chapters, are engaged in the activities at the chapter and regional levels and are usually the first ones to raise their hands to help plan events or meetings. Regional champions are true testaments to the success of the DPC of Texas.
at the DPC table to meet and discuss industry challenges and passionately promotes collaboration between all stakeholders to create solutions. Rodney is a long-time DPC member and has served as president of the North Texas Damage Prevention Chapter since 2018. Through his efforts, CoServ has been an active sponsor of the DPC of Texas and several local DPC events.
“The 811 Call Before You Dig message is something everyone needs to be aware of. I believe that together in the damage prevention community, we can spread the 811 message and lower the total damage to pipelines and other underground utilities while also saving lives.”
Our Champion is an asset to the Abilene COG, a jewel to the DPC, a strong woman leader, an active Leading Women of Damage Prevention member, a wife, a mother to three beautiful children, and the NW Regional Champion. Please congratulate Brittnee Schwartz.
DPC of Texas Regional Champions
   Tina Sanders presents award to Rodney Hale - Northeast Region (right)
Rodney Hale is the Gas Compliance Manager at CoServ Gas. He has nearly ten years of experience in the natural gas industry, with a strong background in gas regulatory compliance, underground utility damage prevention, and pipeline damage investigation.
He is passionate about protecting the public by reducing damages through education and training. He encourages all stakeholders to take their place
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Ketha Molina (right) presents award to Brittnee Schwartz - Northeast Region
Brittnee Schwartz – Northwest Region
The Northwest Regional Champion
has worked for the West Central Texas Council of Governments since 2017.
Her current role is as a Pipeline Safety Program Specialist. Throughout the WCTCOG 19 county region, she has hosted over 150 community events and meetings to spread and share the 811 message to the public, elected officials, first responders, and damage prevention stakeholders.
When asked about the DPC and the 811 message, her responses are, “The Damage Prevention Council of Texas has been a great asset in connecting and training all damage prevention professionals. The DPC chapter meetings have made me more aware of every aspect of the 811 Call Before You Dig process. It shows me that any damage prevention stakeholder can come together and find solutions to prevent damages.”
Doug Meeks (right) presents award to Steve Teran – Southwest Region
Steve Teran has been a damage prevention champion in the far
West Texas borderlands for 20
years, beginning his relationship
with the original West Texas DPC representing the City of El Paso.
Steve had capitalized on his role as Environmental Compliance Inspector to approach damage prevention in the field with environmental protection
in mind. He continues in his role with D&H United, a fueling equipment company that provides various services involving hazardous liquids delivery and remediation.

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