Page 11 - TX811 2023 issue 1
P. 11

  Damage Prevention Council of Texas
DPC Attendance Breaks Records in 2022
 One thing was clear in reviewing our November year-to-date meeting metrics for 2022: DPC of Texas membership proved their loyalty to our mission
by showing up in record numbers to chapter meetings, golf tournaments, and excavation
safety days. As of November, we have seen a 42% increase in attendance over 2021. We also saw a 40% increase in a key stakeholder group – contract excavators. This would not be possible without
our membership’s dedication and willingness to invite others within the industry to a chapter meeting. In 2022, we held 79 chapter meetings
with a total attendance of 2650. In 2023, we aim
to increase attendance among two stakeholder groups, primarily line locators and municipalities. Will you help us reach our goal by inviting your colleagues and coworkers to a meeting in 2023?
Jennifer Pratt
Program Manager
Damage Prevention Council of Texas
     2023, Issue 1
Texas811 • 9

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