Page 20 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 20

E;/Joe Igel
s a ysuiig ieen. when l iniiially i am sure iliai niy wile. wlio kindly wlneie ilie i-oadway was is begin
siaiied driving, l did iioi wear i-euiews eyeiy aiiiele loi ine will ask ilie "jogged" seueial liunilied yai-ds aei-sss
iny seailieli. in truth‘ given saine quesiisn. l leaineil iliis lieliauion another mad wiili a dilreieni iianie
llwz a e or cars l esiild alloi-il iliis habit. noi lseeause ii was ilie ii iii and iesuined sii ilie siliei- side. Both
ai ilie iinie. snalbells weie nsi even part iliing io do si because ssnieone else inieiseeiiiig i-sad iianies wei-e ineluded
olilie equipment and weie certainly iold nie ilnai l sliould do it: l learned in oiii loeaie i-esuesi and ai ilie Ainlzy
not re uirzd to be worn, even if llwzv ii. in rained it into in szlfy because it while linin was not a common racricc.
“I . 5 Y E P
Wcr-2 ilie.-e. -rlnus, eai-ly in niy di-iyiiig aelnieyed iesulis. ilie i-esiilis l iieeded. li onee, aflzr visiting ilieyolssiie, l weiii
--eaieei-3 l iieyei goi inio the habit. wL7r|<ed. wlieii ii eoines is wliiie lining. by ilie pan sl ilie inieiseeiioii wlieie
. I k‘1l( idl. . l d.'ldt'"." d.‘
Tm Changed m ‘he lam mm whm am as ing a s ysu o o i ie sanie i ie ioa siaiv e o yog oooyai s oi
, . . . . . . ss lioin oiii iniended L-xcavauun. li was
i became a delweiy and pieliiiii di-wei ln Oluuy oiii Rnvlsed zisde ieouii-es
. . . . . . . . coverzd wiili an away or flags. -rliose
loi- ilie lainily lousiness. -rliey provided wliiie lining in manv C|rv:unIs(anL‘Es liui _ N f k. . . .
. . ». iesponsi e si ma! ing llwn uiiliiies
ine wiili a ielaiiuely new pieliiiii inieli allows sonie altcrnauvcs and L'xL‘L'pl|Dns.
. , » . , liad dsne ilieii- you eoiieeily lo ilieiii.
is dn\‘Ey one equlppnd wiili seal belts Yet ii seenis iliai we see ioo many and We had as W“ Nolmwm we did
and extremely liaid bench seais (nsi eniiiies wiili obligarions uiidei- iliis part _ ‘  _
. . . , iioi gei ilie iesulis we needed Clear!!!
lo.-slien down by yeai-s and nules or of ilie law railing to use iliis issl. l agiee .
. . . eoniiniinieaiioii would liaye lwclpedy aiid
semee). l wisli l eoiild say i elnaiiged nw iliai sonie siies do noi lend themselves . . . . _ _ ,
. . , » . . wlniie lining is aien elreeiwe way ol
loeliayisiwiiln and my aiiinide iowaiils io pieinailniig oi- iliai in some eases M“ ‘W »
seailselis for sonie altruistic |’('aSCIlL wliiie lining would ei-eaie more or a 5 '
but ilie ii-uiln was wlien dxivin aei-sss sarew hazard ilian ii wsuld sslve, on so. ilne inessa eistl1al.wl1enavcr
E . E
a i-sugli jab siie. it was ilie only wayl a i-sadu-ay, loi- txample. But overall. possilole. lo inieiiialize ilie saleiy
eould keep inysell lieliind ilie wheeL ii --uaiiiis a eleaiei piclllrn or ilie precaulion. nsi looking ai ii as a
wiilniii adei iiaie ieaeln of ilie sieei-iii eeieauaisis inieniisns. ixiid il ii allows iieeessai i-e uiieineni 01" as a wasie ol
I 5 Y ‘I
wlieel and ilie liiale pedal wiilnsui a inoi-e emeieiii niailniig pioeess. ilieii iinie. is a nione zfficicnt way or gelling
sliding aeioss ilie liaid bznclw seai ilie iiine saved ean be used to corrzctly, ilie iesiilis iieeded (on sale excavation.
and away lioin llwz wlieel and pedal. l accurately inai-li uiiliiies sn iliai job oi- And ilii allsws you is think sly-oiiisell
i-esigned myself to weaiiiig ilie seailoeli anoiliei job, all or wliieli promotc saleiy as painelli Jones oi Kyle lsiiseln. so
ii was eoiiipiied with and eni-isisneil io ilie inilusiiy. inueln ilie better. 5
myself as Paniielli Jones or Junior .
_ . . yea.-s ags, we wei-e Exmndlng a roadwav
loliiissn suappmg in lielsie a iaee. But , . » .
. . and wei-e eoiiiinually i-equesiing loeaies M: lynl  IV   ,...nile..i u/ VIM
«he-Mull» the helm and cake. . . . i,w,..o iiii (‘u lm ,.,...  s,
yei iioi ieeewing ilie niai-lnngs we I I .” $7 1
so wliei-e am i going wiili ilnis, and liow kmvw we needed roi sale txcavazion.   J 
eould ii iiossilily ielaie io wliiie lining? -rlie piolilein was ilnai ilie iniei-seeiisn
ls . Tusssll 2020 issue 2

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