Page 18 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 18

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2020 ‘§ '  *' "w » 9* -
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Texas811 . i * —  7 V?’  L‘
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Dama e - - W:
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Prevention * , » i- ,5 V at L. ;
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Summit " ’ ‘ L‘
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. ¢ ' (ix
hefzzdbackisinandthemore 7 *3 ' ,  Q A 1,
than 40° altzndzzs (all us [hat ' 1 , _ ll 3 S i
this was llwzmostinfonnzlive _‘ , , ~ - -
evznt focused on damage ~ _

prevzntionandenfurczmznllhzyve ' » ’ '4
attend in the pas! year. Tlweopzning -

szssion szl lhz lone for a lively event I I l ‘

with Dan Qniggls showing us “now lo 1,.“ — —~’-

he a (IEO ofS.E,L.F,' and a solid clssing , '. —_u_ 1! _ u£l,:.v '

evznt willwapanel ti-om surrounding ‘V -, ,} _ ‘V I _. ‘

staleslalkingalmutlhzimpactof -r 4 (J: y ' _‘ -
holdingslakelwoldzrsaccountablefor ~ _ ‘ '1 _ 5 _ _

violating ilisin respeclive slatzs dig \« _ :: 1 I1‘ - 1; .-A ” .

law willwin rzgard to all undzrground  ‘ -if’ 

nlililiss. lrysuwanuo heinvulvedin i V ,—.  ‘ — — _
meaningfuldistussionszsilrzlaleslo , _‘__, _ -- _ ,1". \ ’ ' M 1:‘
darnagzprevention sn.lsnlmsn.s.n in , 4’ * - ‘ . - A
Texas‘ the Summit should bs on your _ _ V “ _
calendar. ’/" ‘ ~ "T-
-rlis zxlwihil hall was jumping wilh a

good mixture of ]ong—Iimz exhibitors _

and nzw Exhibitors from across lhz V , r ' .,—.:-,..‘ -
counu'y.New|ec1wno1ogyandlitkzl , l — ‘
managemenlsoflwzre seemed to he of ’  Q ‘ __

greal interesl lo altzndzzs but (herz was . Q \ '

ah:-Iofslllfitosezzudlearn. \’\/elwope _ .> ~ -

you took advantage of llwz oppurlunily ‘ ‘L 39" ‘ ‘ 1 ' ._

In slap hyand thank all Exhibitors who ' -. 44’ — \" _
wm an inisgi-sl part in making this ‘. I
evzntexciting. ,. ‘\ _ ,g_ '1
Ymllhvantluplan onatlending nexl A ,' -3 " -"_
ys.-ins Summil and wsi-s excilzd to lsll * _ ’-

you is is moving lo Ilwe Embassy Suites v 1 .

in Demon. Mark your calendars for __ . , _ ,
February 3 — in, mi! . 1'; . 2. 4

“‘3,4 -" ' A .
\Vzl] sss you lhzre... Q; , » A  ,
“'I$E§* “ . . 4
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A 1. V _ . ' V
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is . Tusssll 2020 !ssue2 ‘ ' \‘ fir '

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