Page 6 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 6

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s a resuit of tine unprecedented you clear" to connnn tinat a cross bore
COVID1 andemica man does nol exisl in the sewer line dial is to
9 P Y
Arne.-icans are wnrking fmm he cieai-ed.
itcrne and rnairing iieaitit and C_ b I . H t d h

cleaning a top priorily. Disinfecting m;;:j_ §;'§_j;;jfl§;§;:;{Ejj:;n°ow”§n *1"

MP“ 3" “°‘P"‘€ P“°P1° “."“‘?“.‘ ”"’ instaufd tiu-cugit unmarked sewer E y

""“d °‘g"'“" "““"'““““'""“"‘ iatei-ais Cross hares can 1a doxmant

are not properly disposing oi the wipes ‘ ‘ h . h h’ .

and are flushing used wipes instead ct 1°’ "?°“‘ 5 ‘If N“ W" ‘ °" 9"“

disposing ottiiern in tire ti-asin. °‘““°"5 “" "°‘”"-

-nris is ieading to sewer hlnrkages 9°". 5°“; 3‘ “W” 11'1"“: ““ "f“"

across the us and increasing the risk '“ ‘‘‘"‘"‘’3“ “h ‘“k"’" ‘°‘ 3%“ ‘ ?‘.

or“activatirtg' existing cross hot-es. ;"“,>1’d‘.““‘“ 3 h‘‘ “P ° “:.“‘°;’“"" f““’

Newspaper articles quoling water and “‘ "‘5‘°‘ “"““_“.'d“‘“5‘ “““ff‘°“‘

sewer hoard omcials (mm New York ‘i’"‘“$‘““‘l:]5 ‘L’ ‘“5‘ 91"“ 1]" °' '3' ‘°

Io Lns Angeles; iron Miami to san 3;“ fig °= aE°;vP.“*; “{""fY1

Francisco are reporting lnigiter drain ‘ "_°‘“ ° “‘°_ 3 mi‘ 3"“ ‘“’_ :3” ‘$1:

cleaning aclivity irt laterals and even in °' “E” °““°“ ‘° 1‘ ‘f’; 3 “l‘.“’“‘ d'‘“’:‘}‘ *5

W" Wm '"a‘"s- iiin i'n"t?E§i?t22t3‘t“ns§?feai"tZto 2 

If you are a utility receiving this line.

puialication, please consider providing Cross hm: m an impmm
Y°“"‘““°‘“°"“*‘*“my '“°‘“g“' mnsideralioneve da hul es ecian

‘Avoid nusiting disintectantwipes and . . . T?’ Y . P V

d. . . |n tints tune oi CnS|S and itetgittened

isposelheselypes nfwlpes in wasle M d1 1) ‘.

bins!‘ it you  an  especially “;;.'*";j§° *3 "°f ° .5 if“ 
ourgrealplumberfriendsreceivinglhis ‘1j'_“§ “’.';]Y°‘}‘l.‘““"’§‘ ““““
publication, please consider and snare ‘ ““P°‘“' 9‘ ‘“‘3‘° “W

with your assnciations to "call iaeicre

e. runsset 2020,!ssue2

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