Page 13 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 3
P. 13
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n ergroun t1 1t1es.
simply sense to act in me besl interzsl by educating an stakzholders to abide And in dne seeend place, we must
of our communities and ra.na1aes. And to by the dig law and hold those wbb create lhz environmznl [or the bee
be fair, .nany a.-e saying if a violation of donl, OI‘ wbnx. actounlablz. flow of information and perspzctivzs.
dne state's dig law occurs, it s1nbn1d nol . . . . That involves idenlifving as many
. .. . . ¢.neannguneenynbnn.e.nrbesbanng . - . .
matter w1n.eb uullty bne |s beneath the . . . . slakelmldzrs as .s ..bss.b1e and pmwdz
. . d1flh'enl .deas and pzrspetuves |s . .
vmlauon. , . . . a seat at the .ab1e for llwzlr .deas. Many
a crmca] step m moving Inward . .
. . . . uullze me slatzs Sn center as me
¢..-ea..ngsne1n standards should bzalol adequalzly enrb.-nng me slatzs dug law .. . .
. . . . . . , fauhlator [or dnese d|sc\Issu:-ns. Others
eas.e.- than .1 bas been bnw.11 be, but {be all nnbnes. Enforcement that .s seen . . . .
. . . . use lhzlr Rzgmnal Lornmon Ground
dnese Who a.-e cmnmlltzd Io prulzcung as ran [orallsla|<e1wo1dzrs and zffeclwe . . . . .
. . . . . . A11.anee ((.(:A) groups In fauhtale .be
due fanmhes and um‘ xnfrastrutture .n nednemg damages|sl1werzsu](of . .
. . . . discussions. Mutual respztt tbs eaeb
always bndsaway I0 make n happzn. reducxngllwenumbzrofvmlzuonsthal . _ . .
, . . olhers penspztuvzs |s the best way to
It wont be achieved by gomg around occur every day. ‘M “W wnmsamm “Win
bebyeeseenedne.nwmbeaebaeyed T h H ‘, f I .1] P ‘5’
by working togzther with other 1° “‘|:“'“ °‘k‘Y““ °"“‘“‘?“ ""1 Finally, and in the third plate, do not
professionals who recognize whatis at “W5 ‘E SW” '“ P'°€"~“f‘ "‘ P“ get in your own way in me firslplate.
beeanse (hers ane so many d|fi'erenl . .
stake. . . . . Too many times wz ShDDI ourselvzs m
. . P"".‘P“‘”“ ‘° ‘°‘‘.’‘“‘“' "3“‘*".‘?“““»V~ Ihe fDD( by gelling mo e.nbnbna1 and
we donlwanl our placed unulenforczmenl1sarea]uy,|(shard _ . . . .
. . . . . . confionlallonal m meetings wnh such
.n banns way by retkless bebaym, IO delzrmme dne enforceability dz . . .
., . . . . awnin rangz ofxdeas and pzrspeclwes.
whzIher|tsexcess|vespzedmgor exxsunglawslhalwerzpassedlwzmy I. . _ . .
. . . llslmpcutanltb rzmmnccumnltted
dnvmgunderlhem[luence.\’Vehzvz yearsago. mm Dammwmn um mmr
“““"‘“ °"P““"“°“’ ‘1“‘ "‘°“ W1“ -1 ' e - ad‘ “B . 1 d "\V1waIgis me hesl wa rindsfb work‘
d's~W"W1aWW*'“"h°'d .'"'.‘.Z»'}“"f ‘e“L“.i“.‘ " ’“"‘~.° .0 ztherm 03,1‘
-rbeee should be the same expetlalions .nb.-e and none slates arz beginning . .
. . . . To achmvz the goal of .-ednemg
when M eb.nes I0 pron-cung eds ICI cmnslder 0|‘ unplzmzm enforcement d .
, . . . . . . . arnagesywenuIs(\vorkml>u|ld
underground|n[rasu'uc(ur«2,ThIs1s for vmlauons lo (h€|!‘ dig law. without
. . . .. consensusloarnendlhecurrznt
also about pnbbe safely. mbe ebyeenye regardlo\Iul1lvlvpz. _.d. . ..
. . - » .5 law lL7prmnoteacccIun(ah|]|Iy
bnan and cons|slen( enforcemznt . . . . _
. . So, m .be firsl plaeey gemng started wbde Working amund underground
.s damagz prevention, and damage . . . .. . . .
. .s a mattzr by rzcogmzmg that all raedmes. Thz aim would be I0 nnprcwe
P““““°“ "‘“‘fi“ ""Y°“°' ‘1““ by under round nmmes are im urtanl and existing good pracliczs raisz une lzvel
‘*°“““"‘”‘fi““ °“’“1V“°“"‘°“d° if id n bptln of rofzssionalisrnacrL;ss(heentirz
offairandconsistentenforcenient. '““5‘ “P'‘?'““: “Y ‘ -'“»V°“ . P .
. . . . alrzady hzheveIlnslol>2lme.Tl1en Industry and mtrzase awareness of all
F|nIngsn-mzonefurmakmgamlstakz . .
, . . recogn|1.e Ihat you arenlalone. 1-be slakelmldzrs responsxhllmes.
just makzs lhzm angry and |s neulwer . . .
H . . _ oI1werl1wmgherz|slorecognlzn-Illat .. . , _ _ .
e ecuvenur[a1r.Enfi:-Icernenlofthe . .. hnpossflnlel ydnsay.1.eauy dc-nt
. . . . there W111hem\Ichoppos|Imn(cIl1wz . ., . ». » .
states dug law |s desxgned I0 change . know d ns bbss.b1e m Vour staleml ]usl
H . . _ .dea and someforrzasons you nevzr .. »
e 1avmrs.And be1nay.b.s ane changed k know us neeessany.
Ilwrouglw edueaubn and aeeoumabi1ny— "W" Dig Sam 6
2020 Issue? Teusa11~)1