Page 14 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 3
P. 14

 Dama e Prevention
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5 By Doug Meekx, Vice President
Dmnage Prevention Couneiiuf was
he Damagz Prevention -
7 I ‘Council ofTexzs um. OSHA Alliance Enhances Damage
and the us. Deparlmznt -
ofLahcu-s():cupa|iona1 Preven tum Outreach

Safzty and Healllw Adminislralion

(osm) have entzred inlci an

oieeial allianee designed Io ‘

educate ernnloyei-s and einployees , ‘ : I‘g<

in all as; counties in Texas almul ;~ 7 5,3‘ .

the hazards assciciatzd willw 7 '‘= ’‘.g , , I I _--i

ireneliing and excavation.  :  _ _‘_ ___.fi__’g kus OSHA : QSH
This uviryear zducationa] -‘gar —:3,“.3§'I‘.  ’ Hgalihier '. -salI_-9
Dulreatlw partnership aligns ‘ ‘ i . ‘J: __ °'"~"v :i 
perfzttly with dnr mission. ‘To * 2 was? palates mini?
facilitate underground ulilily __ v -  _ 1 _
.g pipeline damage preveniion - . Vl
promote hesl practices, and — l . Y -
mnlrihule toward public saieiy ‘ , - ' ~

and environmznlzl proteclion I _4r..-_ _1_.
through slakelwoldzr ednealidn ‘ _ __ __ _

and eciininnniealionx The alliancz ‘ a

is also a trilical eornpdneni oi  ' ‘f 5 $545 1  if:jfjx::‘::l::‘m_‘
our 2020 initiative ID allracl ,  I _ --I I 

ntcupalional saieiy professionals - ‘B , LE». ; o N ,

inlci our cooperativz with me  l"& .. ‘=17! ‘ \ ._:-

iiliirnaie goal ofinfluencing '  i J1 ’-‘ ” - , ‘ *-

extavatcir .g operator line

’"““‘.g“'““‘ ‘° P”““P"““ ‘“ DP“ DPC 9/ Texas Ufliters — prtfuledfilznl Iefz 7 Eric llarbmi osn/1 Region 1;
'""““g‘ "Ed “"”]‘.“" E""°‘,‘ ‘° [E/I — Doug Meeks, nice prwsrtlenf, Kefllix Adimnminror. and DPC ofTerns

5“ 959" ‘“°'“" "'?““ ’?"“‘“"““ Molimx, flmliurel, In/In Sparks. presirieni, Pmsidenv Jo/in Spark: Hg!) 7])?
:)P“°‘“"‘;f_P‘"“f"“‘;‘a‘V“1‘ ’I'imx Sanders, Se£I‘emI'_)’, and Jesse Tnrres, allllznce

‘",“"g° “"‘.““°“ . a‘“5"’ direemr, celebrate me domnlem signing in

to kick ofl‘ regional Lhapler

rneeiings wiili a saieiy rnorneni /"”“ °’ T’’“““’'‘‘‘'

and participating in Irentlw

shoring delncinslralicins al regional

exravation safety days. 5

Become n pail afrhm mlulmrl and gel trlI1D1lIEl1.7D11f9S and Iocafmns afreglonnl Chaplet meelmgx
can beflmmil n1: IA/wxlI.a1pcafIe,!<u.Aug. Ta 522 photo: and Videos afoul‘ damage yrei/enrmn mlfreach
efins. Mow us an Faceboak 411:
12 . Tusssll 2020 Issue:

   12   13   14   15   16