Page 17 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 3
P. 17
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radio, in prinl. online. at erenms. on and online at l"ip21ine—SafeIy,oIg as in 2019. 49% of die ads addressed ilie
soeial rnedia and in inierriews. reaeliing well as on all major social inedia. [I need to eall lselore ynu dig wliile 23%
erery one or-reiras Z54 eounlies. lias adirei-iised on Pandnra and done educated on how Io reeognize a pipeline
pipeline saleiy rnessaging. loo, is at its countless Iull—page lakenvers at anline righI—of—way and aim talked about
best as a team sport. loeal news portals aeross the slate. the signs of a leak and what to do in
M ZmwhETEXas “PEN” Awmms TPAAmembercoinpanyrepresenlauves respclnse.Al; inessagiingissirnilai-and
, _ eirere eonsisieniyin
A1llance[TI"AA)gEneiaIed , E 1. 11 ds . 1 th ‘
almost 55 niillicin irnpressions \ “E” "5 1’‘‘,"‘,“‘° 3
. . aeeuiniilanrely, It is larger
““"'"E 3“ °“""“‘°“‘ 45% ' and rnore im actful Ihan it
omie slaies population. use Le _, W W Mb 1 P
nfover 4o English language _ I ‘’’°“ 9 3 °"“'
lelerisiun slaiions. a dozen ‘ . 1 Tlie end—cil—year i-eporiing is
spanisli.onlineaudio,and _ 1 i i presented in bolhlopliner
inlemel display delirered . ‘ executive Sllmmary [arm
multiple exposures over the . V and niore deiailed county
rmlrsen[severa1monlhs.T}|e _ 5,: ""c':s'""l ‘Q :3 by county analysis so that
weelr olAugusi iilli alone qsii ; e fin“ ..—- FIrlun:* . rneinlaereompaniesliare
luaymieearnpaign delivered — ' ‘ii’ ‘ - ' ' aeeessiolliedeiailslair
ii.5 inillionirnpi-essinns ail?’ . p K _ wliereilieirspeeilieasseis
;in}ploying]“ge:—leneing" and ' _ ,r -'~ _ 1 _' ~ ’ ‘ :re.‘T11isL‘o]rnesin11:r‘ldy
e avlclr ase targeting . unngregualclryau us,
to rear}: landseapers, ilie M puiiing answers a page
eonsiriieiionirade.gai-deners V ‘ L... e 4 liirn or click away. Tlie
and DIYers.T11aIw2ekr over i . ..,..._ a --—-"~ _~ I siale's pipeline regiilalory
45Il1ousand visiled TPAA's , "' ‘ bndy,l1we Texas Railroad
wehsile. ‘ Commission, is familiar
Since its inception TPAA ""‘h "'°fT':'“ ;"dB
lias aduenised and laeen inlerviewed liairedoneeoiinilessleiealleleirision, . ’“PF'°‘ ‘.“°.‘ ° °‘ '
_ _ _ d. d _. . lnspeeiions and audiis Wflh regulatnry
on overfiotop raied and netwcuk ia 10 an newspapei interviews Mm imludg dams “dun es and
afiiliated ielerision stalinns in all appearing on llie loeal Today sliow, _ d 5 U
' Good Mclrnin Arnerita and uilier "“P““""““‘5 3“ P“““‘ 3 '“““““ Y
“E“‘““ “"35 ‘“"‘“‘S 35 ‘"1’ ‘*3 1° 5 henefirial forum lor diseiission on
l'ncII‘E in spanisli, those also being ilie programs throughout ilie slate. in short. Wk" im __m_mm
top spanisli language nelwai-lr amliaied TPAA has done logellier wliai no single P *
stations in rnai-e Ihan ID inarlreis. ii inenilser company (mild liare done on The Texas Tannsm amass slogan has
lias delivered its inessage during Aggie. ils own. long lieen: Texas. II’: Like A wliole
Bear. couga_i-. Horned Frog. Lnngliorn All this media Plmmm WW1 d M Other Courllry. when it comes Io V
and Red Raider football and basketball for naught mm‘ for TPM5 mam dernogi-apliies and geography and trying
garnes on radio and ielerision as well n has Gm W1 mlmsm audio and toefiertively deliveramessageacross
asin DaveCainpbe1l'sT2xasFm)Iha11 . . Y . ' ilsvaslex anse.llieslo an is even
punt creative designed Io rneei every P «*4
ma aaine I asrnanne not sal airs, _. niorea iea e. eras is omelet e
5 ' "‘ ‘“’ h ‘' mandateOIRIHAG2.Fromng}|(—nf—way W1’ '1‘ T ' h “
gaines and relehrationsarrosslheslate. mognmon (D leak ammo“ andsamy leastpopulaled cclunly in the eouniry
TPAA has been al the Conlraclofis ‘O the “Ed (0 can hdom “ d; “W and Ihe must diverse rily on earth. [I
Desk in Home Depoi, in Conslru Giiia, TI,“ mm“ addmm 3;: mi‘
3 b‘l’"5““l '““g"'"“ I” ‘°"‘““°” important issues (or lhe auecied public. CONTINUED old ms: is