Page 20 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 3
P. 20

CONTWUED FEOMPAGE 15 . . __ x e . A I . ,_
is home In driveways niiles long as wellashlnck atter block of   f “_ 5 2 ’r i‘,f  _ ‘ff,   .
high—rise apai-tnients. Thei-e are 4 inetrepeilitan areas at nveraas _:Q~ :9, *1-‘gs l  :-1:i. ‘ F “L
millinn each. two ofwhich are among the nation's largest tastest 3,4: _ '2 ‘Fa. ' . ’ R \*i
growing and mnsl Eomplex inedia niarkets and ever a dozen :,~,r-ir- .‘  _ V_ f : I“ ‘~ It .
ceiiinties or less than itnnn each. Pnplllalion density ranges iinin Jfii ’ -5‘ ,..' -, ~ ‘t, . . _,;
eiver 3,imn [persqllare inile) In less than nne. several suliiirhan t’.r;i.~‘,, '‘ v ‘ V‘ , _ i)_ .j. ~‘ ‘r;l _ . ‘
ceiiinties have dnnliled in peipiilatinn in each ntthe past several i_:"'i'_9‘5‘V'i..' v _ ._ ' .t _{ 7': ‘ 3;
decades while some counties have seen steady pnpiilatinn .»,.§.*, tap a '. ‘ , 2 y-.‘a',3=--.._, _f'r~..

declines {er a generatinn. '~.;-§.~'n.L«,‘! -. r - "

- . g t._, I ._

The state's diversity is most neitahle with it being heinie to the ' ‘‘¥f‘'‘- ‘ *'

secend lai-gest pnpnlatinn at Hispanics in the counlry. That

group inakes iip well over a third ct its population. If Teiras were _

a spanish speaking Cclllnlryv it wniild lie the twelrth largest nn Bgfme you dl,
earth. - ‘

Stir in Texas status as a retiree destination as well as a magnet n—  M tam
tar ieh grewth a_nd yeiiing tainilies and then threw that stew ever n"“""""‘_“ W “mm mm W
358 iniles tthe distance lietween orange and El Paso on I10) and Th _ ““" A ‘ an In W M M mm '1. m_
ynirve gut an advenising and piihlic relatiens challenge like no W_,;f;m;;‘;;ffjl.' W M mm mm ‘M mm

°‘1‘“- laehlfles um sue ya: Me and
ityisii would like innre detail and to see itineinliership weiild nmammteeidmlmoo-Id be

lie a cnst—efiective and henencial additinn Io yniir ciiirent efieii-ts dlmanhom haaimi amoawam

visit [’iye]ine—SI1fEly.Dry eir pick tip the phnne and call a ineniher. "'9 GMMMW

They'll likely share the adage; tegether we get indie dene.

By the way, that .994 strike sheii-tened season? The nne with no

pnst season or Wnrld Series? That season aliinptly ended on _
Angiist ii. i994. xii Day. it appears that hasehall learned, as is the N -_ -» 
vast expanse nneras, that yml should always call hetere you - * _,,,__,_,,,,,_,,,_,
strike. m

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, l_‘ We've been success 1: lg  V H MAGAZI N ES
t .  . - _ / - i J . .‘
l , /7e/p/ng fo/ks get their - t 83 5% mwmdm
i‘ message to am exaavators.
i l excavators for
‘_ l more than a decade. _
x it‘
. \ . ,
i\ p I’ \ ' Freddie Shows
‘~\« ;. ‘ 501-472-0115
. / saIes@51 Imagazinescom
V at 1,4 J \ ' * ‘ / —' ”'
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