Page 12 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 12
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“ hen Ihe excavaliun site silnaliun for bath themselves and the almost impossible to zcruralely describe
cannot be dearly and lssm.-s marking their jobs. Even ajubsile.
adequately identified clearandzccurale infm'maIim\rel:yed F _ 1 ‘h I, kl .d ,1 _k
onthelocaletickel, verbally nrinwrilinglo nnepersnnmzy d°'§;“““l‘*’f' ° '1‘,°.:.“’d" f'“‘[‘
Ihe excavalor designales Ihe 1'-Jule nulbeclearlu znulher. 9° “"3 ° P’°P" -" ° * °“,"’-
_ g V . Irontulpmpenymeanspmperlym
and/mareatn heexczwated using s . . . .
whim PrenlukhlgvEm|mnsflm_ i‘c:f1£|1eIK11fes‘1Icz1s}:r\1\'irzlf}EerlV V 1‘ ns‘_e.ssan:.s1.suse‘. Tutl1:Vc‘all:I:,Ir‘on‘t_
elecIronically(w}|en availablelhrungll ' ‘“ .°':"fl‘“ °"‘l"* ;“‘_‘*} fh P;"P:“.-‘ “‘*“fh.P}‘:°"f'i‘d'." V‘: °
‘hemmllmnmpflmm__du__ing s.s..3ns.s...s_se leexac ocanuxuu e as ensexs .e wan Avncn e
. . .. Ihexr dw 51125 in the Call cems.-. lmlhsldesultl|eproperl\'.Whenll|e
Iherequesllurlllelouleuckel. As _ = . . . . . -
. Markmg vunr ,s1s m whne paml can excavalor arnved to do the work, he was
an excavator, Ihls Common Ground d_ ‘. >11», d ‘h I H. 1. l_ 1 M) ‘h [h ‘ dl
mammmBEM,mmwe__sm '13:‘ Au y sesease eamnun 0 {ms rusnze erausewvz eexpece n
. . . .1 mm take to explain the exacl louuon he named wasnol. Wllenthelncalor
nliojnsoneulUleeasxeslloolsyuncan 1.‘ div ,1 E ‘ .1 R _ Li V 11 db M H‘ .1 h
“Smim_mEm”,fidmwf‘,°__r s,e..s_ ?s.e. xac s.e.. mma an nasmflel at u esalnesle ecanse
. - .- .s...n lumted to the address. n also Ihe uulmes 1.3.1 not been mzrkedwhere
excavauunprocess.Tl|e|qq7szleI\' . . . . . . , .
.. _ . . ~ - Includesspeuficdescnpmmswllhm Iheexcavauonwasacluallvtakmgplace,
study PnulectlnighxhllcSafetylllrough H .1 dd_ _ I‘ [_ H] k h V f 1 I M] ~h In an
Ihe NT_sB reached the conclusion um I I _)_ d,_ I, ( 1h M
prenmrking is a_ praclire Ihat helps : gggcjxarblz :f“;°“1‘:n{‘n‘:M':h‘]‘E P_:;';‘ This is not to say, Ihe taller was wrong,
P“°"*"‘ ““"“E*‘ of and zcrurale distances hug“ ‘f 1") ff!‘ ]"*=“"'_* 4'3?"-'5
ExravalurswhoIzkell|etin\etn"\vhiLe frnnlknnwnpuinls.Somelimesifs “_“‘ *3’ " ‘° "“ “' .3“. ““°“5
, ., . . . _ . . 5112 was located um d.|d.nlbenefit
1...e Ihenr Jul‘: 51125 (12312 a wm—\w1n
1n~ 1,-xas.!11 ;‘02a,!ssuz;‘