Page 14 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 14

 Texas-Louisiana mm IEAINWG ACADEMY
COVID-19 Message :2 5, i

Aswe support our essential customers 2.  l g 1"‘
duiing tlie covmig pandemic, our goal a -'

is to provide you maximum care with

minimum conlacl in the interest of the

health of your team members and ours    

All Vermeer Texas-Louisiana leeatiens are , t i ,

open to serve you with modified store, parts V ; -3 ‘ ‘

and service procedures to provide you tlie I " ‘I’
support you need. we are proud to be your AA " g ;
essential liusiness partner.

nouns; 7 a.m.—5 uni.

www.vevmeertexas.oomIcovld-19—messsgeI inf0@Ut3593"h'(°m Q‘ WORK SMARTER‘
.%I  Would you spend a nickel
e e r to talk to an excavator?
I 1 g y® 83.5% of 811 Magazine
readers are
Atmos Energy Urges .,,,¢a.,.i9,.‘.,,d 3 >'§_
Excavators, Contractors .~ ;~,{Jei»«»<.,_,S;\  ’'—‘:Q <
.  »
~  « <_—,e\\~ \
to Dlg Safely  . $ \  ‘g
During [he COVID-lg pandemie, Almos E’ i\. » »—,;g~~
Energy is asking exeavatiirs and contractors to 5$ 
evaluale tlie critieal need or digging prtujecls. % V‘
If ii project is essential, take extreme caution Make it Q} ' . V
and make sure ytm ALWAYS call 3.. rirst to happen! 2;/, 
have utility lines located and marked lieluie  ‘
digging tnr excavaling. calling 3.. is free ,
and helps III prtulecl ytmr safely and millions 5°’ "‘,72'°‘ ‘ 5 7
. . . . Sa|eS@811lT|agaZlnES.COI'I'l
of miles of underground utility lines lhal are
neuessaly in everyday life.
12 . mane 2020 lssue2

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