Page 13 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 13
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eilherparty. Cnnsequenlly,frustrations Nut marking the enlire\vm'i(siIeisa enjoyzlzletotalktothe folks inthe
uccllrred for both the exravzlnr and common occllrrenre. In many uses, n is ufiire. but oft mnss they dun. really
lucator and bath suffered down lime as Ihe dam: result of nuclear instructions know what's going on 1| the job sile.
Ihe result. And the dawn lime cast but]: on ma Lirkel and almost always 50, having the cell number oflhe site
companies in man imllom lines. compounded by the lack nfwhile lining supen'i5m' or the cunlarl person an
... . . ':a'u.u1.- 1. ‘Lb 1'1 1.;
mnmmmg mkmhHnbmm_ asso_s.as_m ss nca snsqnss sne sssnnssasn 14:2 cnmponen n a
White immg combined \w1li| s1sa.- snsssssrnl Jul).
Io underslandfnrlucamrs,too.Ti|e la" _a wmhmckmm __msd_E
lucatorsarelnukingfnrsperific 3‘ 5. . P .. . Intliisvervdiffirulltimecrimping
, . cummumcztmn process and minimizes . .. .- . . . .
Infonnaumitllallelsthemiumw , . wnh soualdislanrmg,ne\'erhas1I
, , , . Ihe polenlullurdzmzgeszndredures _ . . .
wl|ereIun1zrk.Wh|Lelmmg around . .. —. beenmore|mpm1a.nltonumnuzefzce
. Ihe possibllltvoiduwnunlefnrhoth . , , . . .
aprupnsed ‘h”xmm_;and ‘mm___m_m .nra_ss.1.ssnssm..s. mms immg and
Ihem where to spend lune finding . . ,. . . sharing goodronlaclnlunizerscan
— . lmmg and nuhtv markmg are elfeclive —
a -a- d an a ~an-n~s - . » . . . uoalonvwavln)nnlunlv mmnlea
Im s.,.nnn .... esunce my ,, , _ , p
, methods 01 rnmnlumcalmg an a pi: _ .
nn sns. Because the lucatnr has a dear . » hezlliw hlestvle, but ran create a safer
, . , . . s|Ie,wheIherlarge nrsmzli. . » ~
mdiralmn oi the exravauon a.-sa, less » envnromnenl even ailer we nverronie
lime is spent on areas where excavation However. there are Limes when Ihe Ihis national crisis.
will nul nrclxr. This gives Ihe lnrzlur the lncalor and excavator must (all: to s
. — Help nneannlhermll. sna.-amass
Iimeto accnratelvlucatellndergrullnd one anutheron the phone. To make . . ,
. - . . phonenumbersandlrvwiutelmmgfor
Iaulmeslllatneedproterumldllnng Ihalhzppen,Ihelm‘aIormIIsIilavea _ M 1).“, d msm -
excavation. good rnnlacl number. Not that it's not 1”“ 3 "H" 5 “>-
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