Page 16 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 16

a Look at the Practzce of Whlte Lmmg zn Texas
Int is White lining?
white lining. by definition. is the common
Ground Alliance rerognized besl practice or
using white paint. tlags or stalres to identify the
' scope ol excavation to lie perlorrned either prior to or during
. the request tor a line locate. Any variation or mmbinaticun ot
, V  Iv _ the alorernentioned rnetltods is normally accepted with paint
 1,; ‘ gr . , and llags being the most cmmnon. some one call systems in
v . 'A r i ‘-1 . the us. have adopted electronic white lining as an option. This
., ; 7 tr" . .~ , metlrod allows the excavator or person submilting the locate
‘ __.- ' ' 5:’ mquesl to identily their scope ofexcavalinn through data entry
,~; . ' - without setting root on the jab site.
__V_ . ' ,. _' V _ '. wlsat does Texas state law say?
‘ ' ti‘  y ‘ , -92" .~ '  some states include preexcavation marlring requimmenls in
.  - . -' .rr v r. ’  the verbiage with in their one call lawsasahest practice with
k _. .  _" . ‘-  . . - 1 some of them even malring it amandatory process. while there
41 vb’ - 3 ' -‘ rig _ ' i '1 pt‘ is no reference to white lining in Texas utilities code Title 5.
‘ A, -T y _ '1 a. i 4, > 2‘: chapter ast. it is reterenced in in the Railroad commission or
'4'" ’ 1 « P 4, * Texas Administrative code. Title ta, clrapter is on acouple or
1:9 1 ” ' r e ‘_ v. I‘. V __ occasions.
gf  __,-8‘ .f,', ‘ ','/  Texas Administrative code Title is. chapter .3 applies to all
, ' . ‘. r t "5, ,, persons engaged in or preparing to engage in the movement
“ ’ ' v .‘ ~\ ‘L. , ' of eanh in tlre vicinity of an underground pipeline containing
=‘w " I/rr -‘-’< .j''- “ flammable, toxic, or corrosive gas. a hazardous liquid, or
. —5 { ,.< ‘ ‘ czrbnn dioxide. In tlre vicinity...personally,lwouldnt be
 ;; ‘I f; ' comfortable telling someone lrow lar vicinity covers. As tlre
7.. M’ ‘, . ' saying goes. “If you're digging in Texas. chances are you're
. H y ‘ ¥:)l- digging in the vicinity oi an underground pipeline." From an
. ~ ' ‘ _e excavator point of view. it is best to use awareness and caution.
View - v “*1  loolring tor any indicators otunderground pipelines around the
V»: -  . ; ,_ worlrsite.
' .5.’ ‘ ;‘ ’ , -' The Railroad commission of Texas. when addressing the
; *v‘--‘w, ' -:-;-» ‘ ‘ process of relaying intormation to the notification center,
 vi ' V s_ states that the excavator slrall marlr. ifapplicahle according to
,-~ ; A __ ts.3(c). the specific excavation area using white paint. llags, or
A-. ‘r ; stalres, whicltever is most visilile tor the terrain and tltat the
i’ ‘ ,.,_ . ‘4. i- ' wlrite rnarlrings use intervals tlrat show the direction ol the
. ~ , - y ‘ excavation.
 . 1 ,!f when an excavation site cannot lie clearly identified and
35:‘ - »  described on a line locate ticlret. tlte excavator slrall use white
gft,“ ' L as . lining to mark tlte excavation area prior to giving notice to
' »- ~s,~ . - ' the notification center and lierore the locator arrives on tlre
‘  I excavation site.
u . Teussll 202a,lssue2

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