Page 8 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 8
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Smk, Uurvmyi I’vu/zmmn new em/dis, V\ lhrflnl m.,....i We im/ind
emerroim Enzrgy created I112 James was recognized with Ilwe award geographitally spread om arross several
inaugural cenierpnini Energy during a virtual ieam meeiing (or the slales. As you can imagine. this dynamir
Damage Prevention Award to emire damage preyemidn and public can provide a maiienge to engage and
reeagnize an employee wlwu awareness dzpartmznl. During the rerognize ieam members,’ said Ashley
demonstrates the leadership qualities award annmmrernerii, James was Baisrork. director or damage prevention
neressary Io drive progress in me praised ion and publit awareness. “This award is a
damage preyemion industry. The first ‘ naming "mummg mung fun way we praise the many peopie in
reripiem of this Inaugural award was . . . our deparimeni who are gdmg above
J _ . in an emeiem and erreriwe . .
ames sierir. a damage pxevenlmn _ d. H and iseyond to impriwe puhlicsafely.
coordinalor in New iaraimieis, Texas. ’""““‘" “E3.” ‘"353 ° V’ . James is one Df(hCISEi|1diVidh\3]Ss and
J _d d ‘ V d rasrdmer-sansiaeiron, compliznte ‘ dl H 1. H ..
ames was awar e arns om ma e . . . mprml dea nmaed eagne.
I _dl (d t d 11“ in E rerpnr-emems and produtuvily:
‘B’ “ “W” ‘V’ ‘3 “ C2nterI"oinlEner 'sdama e
brandmark. e ensnringenniraei locators follow Pmmdon and PE“: swims
"James is very ariiye in the damage "‘” 1"“ F'”“.“.‘.°‘ "1"" ‘“""‘“5 deparlmznt rcwers nine siaies.
rom an iaer1mes-
preveniion tnmmunity in Texas and P y r Arkansas, Kenuirky Indiana, Louisiana,
is very deszrving oi Ihis honor." said a fostering partnerships with lotal Minnesota, Mississippi, oiriaiioma
Ki:-hen Bntello, manager or damage exravators and local:-rs: and Ohio and Texas. This award is an
prevzntion in Texas, “In rari. lies H h _ . .h 111 1 f extension omie team eiiimr-e Ihat is
iieayii involved in mree diererem to B 0-atmzwgt 2 eveso g,,mo,m,,,agm.a,,n Wm, dam E
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damage prevention touncils in our ‘°"'P3"Y *3 "S ‘P- prevention panners and sharing and
stale and semes as use presidem of the --0",. damage p,m,,,g,,, and pump iearning proven pratlices m ednraie the
South Texas chapter in die Southwest awarzngss mg is quitz largg and piiisiir and excavalors on safe digging. W
a. Tusssll 2020,!ssue2