Page 9 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 9

 Dama e Prevention
44. JR ‘Qi
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$2. .4 "
0 6s U date
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By Doug Meeks, Woe president
Damage Prevention Council 0/ vexoa
he Damage prevention Our goal in 2020 is to iorus extra efiort to guide our outreaeh eflbrls. There
couneil orreitas tnrc; on ensouragingteleroin panieipation was much diseiission on getting the
annual meeting was held in shapter meetings and events. so to "righl people‘ to the meetings, which
in conjunclion with the this end we welsorne John Larnheit, hrings us to another 2020 initiative;
Texassii Damage Prevention siimmit _ f , V A review or dig—up data indisates that
in Galveston. Texas wlwith drew inoi-e Q g; gr,  ;_t;,\, . e: g ,. 2; 1/. utility and pipeline eontraetors ai-e
than 400 attendees ii-oin all asross ' ‘ ‘ “ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ our most rhallenging stakeholder
Texas and as faraway as California, I t; ., . , ,,  , y , (’ _ , group, espeeially when you ronsider
Minnesota and Flu:-ida.P1-esident I t w =‘~  < ‘w N’ that theii- elients are among the most
John Sparks ltislted outhe meeting by y . I. eorninitted to damage p|‘EvEnIion.
recognizing the ii memher hoard or {g 4'73 5 Z I 'i:,« '5} i" we will be reaching out to utility
dirertors and ofiering a "year in review' V‘ 4 ‘ V p and pipeline operators to request
whish detailed outreaeh erroi-ts or the 1 r E ,1  i : i, A 3, ; if, : . It that they iniluenee theii- eontraotors
23 ehapters as well as oui- “No Borders" ’ w ' i ./~ - ; ' ‘ to partisipate in regional shapter
eainpaign into New Meitiro. ,. .' , e , , meetings and attend zxcavalion saiety
».«‘»5’.=:lv:'tt"i.=‘ft'\., - v

The mainstay of  cIuu‘EaC}\ enons ~ /  13;‘;};g;";g;;‘f;§;;;;3af?§n:;
‘°“““““ ‘° 5“ "€‘°““' °"“F“" ofdpw availahgilil offlle rneetin
'".“.““g‘ ‘.Vh“‘!“ P'°‘““°'“' “““3‘°'5‘ PURE SPEED LIGIITWAVE thief However, in inorye troiihlesorne gs-
“""‘Y 4‘ P‘F'*““° °P""*‘°”' °°"‘”‘“ o ei-atin omeer to the DPC hoard of seenarios it ma re uire some hard
line loeators, Teitassii and other d!’ 5 . . . . Y ‘I

. . ireetors i-epi-esenting the southeast desisions it the operators truly want
‘"d““'Y “‘*““1‘°1“‘°"5 E“1“"° ““““5‘ Re ion John has alread rovided to he leaders in mvidin meaningful
local issues with the su proeess, getting ‘3 ‘ . . . Y P. . P . 5

. . . yaliiahle insight into the mindset oi solutions to rlironir undergi-ound
lorates in the held and avoiding damage . . . .
. . . teleeoinrnunirations operators and rarility damages.

‘° “"‘*"€'°“"" ‘‘'*‘‘''‘‘“5' F“‘““‘‘‘ their rontratlors whieh we will use

gathered irom these meetings allows CONTINUED DNPAGEB

its to evaluate the issues, worlr together

to improve the proress and develop

the appropriate edueational outrearh 2°” “""“"“' "V ""“““"" ""“’

materials to meet indiistiy needs. oi...,n

h-Onl. V

Review of the zcug data iiidirates strong l-hlI\H0F!,Vl ‘

ehapter rneeiing attendanee at inoi-e » _ i ‘

than mo and i-egional exravation ‘--«--mm  ‘y \

saiety days drawing more than 2900 ’ V ‘ £-IlFuIr-~.Wl
indiistry stalteholders to IZ events. '~—.,_ ’ l

while we ai-e pleased with attendanre  _\_=. i

data in general. its very apparent that 

we have lots olworlt to do in reashing /- l ks‘

those stakeholder groups that are mm m 1“ / i ‘~.\

iindei-represented. As you can see in “"' ' / G . \_\

the graphic. oil and gas, eontraetors in /,-r y , 

general and water/wastewater personnel r’ ‘l 3‘ v----=

represent the highest niimher of _}-,t.«‘

attendees. whereas telerom attendanee .,,..,.,_.,.__,,,,, v-rk =1-

ranlts well helow eveiy other eategoiy.

2020, tssuee Texxsau . 7

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